OCIT stands for the Order of Christian Initiation for Teens. It was formerly called RCIT.
OCIT refers to the process by which teens are prepared to enter into full communion with the church through the sacraments of initiation (baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist).The preparation process takes two years to complete.
We have decided on a two year program because we were finding that many teens would show up for one year, zone out, receive their sacraments, and walk out the door, never to return. We want to change that.
The sacraments are the most amazing gift we’ve been given, and they should transform us. They are meant to be received in the context of relationship, with God, and with his church. Relationships take time to build, to grow, and to bear fruit.
In our two-year program, year one focuses on accompanying teens as they build a relationship with God and begin to understand our story and what Christ has done for us. In year two, we dive deeper into the beliefs of the church, the sacraments, and how to live as a Christian.
Our hope is that in taking the time the teens need in order to truly come to know and love God, they might be transformed by the sacraments and live in faith the rest of their lives.
Please contact the youth director at [email protected] to discuss what your preparation will look like.
If you are becoming Catholic and have never been baptized, you are a catechumen. You will be baptized, confirmed, and receive first Communion at the Easter vigil once your preparation is complete. You will also receive first reconciliation in the weeks following your initiation into the faith.
If you are becoming Catholic but were validly baptized (in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) in another denomination, you are a candidate. You will make a profession of faith in the Catholic church, and receive the sacrament of reconciliation during the preparation process. You will receive the sacraments of confirmation and first Communion together at a mass celebrated in the spring once preparation is complete.
If you are a baptized Catholic who has not received any other sacraments, you are a candidate. You will receive the sacrament of reconciliation during the preparation process. You will receive the sacraments of confirmation and first Communion together at a mass celebrated in the spring once preparation is complete.
If you are a baptized Catholic who has already received first Communion, you are a confirmand. You will receive the sacrament of confirmation at a mass celebrated in the spring, once your preparation is complete.
In May of 2015, Archbishop Samuel Aquila released a Pastoral Letter calling for the restoration of “the Sacraments of Initiation to their original order, that is, Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist” (this is also referred to as “The Restored Order”).
All churches in the Archdiocese of Denver restored the order of the Sacraments of Initiation to their original order by Archbishop Aquila’s deadline of 2020. As a result, the standard age for receiving both the sacraments of confirmation and first Communion is now 8-9 years old/3rd grade. Preparation begins in 2nd grade.
However, if you missed the restored order, moved from a different diocese, or are new to the faith, it is never too late to receive your sacraments. OCIT is here to help you receive full initiation in the Catholic Church.
To watch a video about the Restored Order and to read the Pastoral Letter “Saints Among Us” from Archbishop Aquila please visit the link below.
Restored Order