Thirty-one children dressed in their Sunday best slowly walked down the center aisle beside their sponsors, who were twice as tall. Parents and grandparents, brothers and sisters squished into the pews around them, bubbling over with excitement as the Holy Spirit gathered us under Her wings. Words were proclaimed of wind, fire and breath breathing new life into the ancient Church. Then each one of these second, third, fourth and fifth graders were called by name, and they stood with their flowering heads barely above the pews of Mother Church. Their parents and sponsors were nearby, trying to entrust them to a higher and uncontrollable power—the Holy Spirit. The Spirit and the children knew how fast their hearts were beating, and to what extent they were opening to this mysterious Presence.
“Joseph, Mary, Francis, Clare, Carlo, Therése, Michael… Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” We lingered there for a few moments as the aromatic chrism permeated their foreheads. What really happened beneath the surface was known only to them and the Spirit of Love.
Later they came forth to receive another mystery. “The Body of Christ. Amen. The Blood of Christ. Amen.” The Lord of the universe entrusts Himself into the hands and mouths of children. What a mystery of faith! What humble love, calling us all to humble love! Love desires union with the beloved. Can anyone else unite us: old and young; black, brown and white; rich and poor; democrats, republicans, independents and foreigners; healthy and disabled; sinners and saints; living and deceased? We can only be united in Jesus, the One whom we behold as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, and who reigns victorious in heaven. Only He who says, “Abide in me as I abide in you,” can unite us through our simple “Amen.”
The children of God returned to their pews in the bosom of Mother Church, mysteriously united as living tabernacles of Divine Love. We all took some time to linger in the mystery, silently floating in the eternal now . . .
Then, after a solemn blessing, our stomachs reminded us of the cake and cookies waiting for us at the reception. Wonder of wonders! We found the God of love in that celebration, as well.
That was last Sunday, and we get to do it again this Sunday with 33 more children! How great is our God!