View Available HoursWe are blessed to have 24-hour perpetual adoration available at Immaculate Heart of Mary in our Adoration Chapel, Our Lady of Sorrows. During regular business hours, the chapel is always open. Visit our Welcome Desk to get a keycard to access the chapel; we do require an ID before issuing a keycard
If you’d like to learn how to adore at different hours, or to become a committed adorer, please contact us.
Perpetual Adoration is a Eucharistic devotion whereby members of the parish unite in taking hours of adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Most Blessed Sacrament is exposed in a special holder called a monstrance, which comes from the Latin word, monstrare, meaning “to show”. Persons who dedicate at least one hour a week are called committed adorers and they form the backbone of perpetual adoration.
To view available hours for committed adorers, select the button below.
I'm Interested!The primary duties and responsibilities include greeting and welcoming parishioners as they enter the church, help them find seats, take up the collection and wish everyone a good day at the conclusion of the Eucharistic Celebration.
I'm Interested!Lectors must love the Scriptures and be competent readers to effectively proclaim God’s word, the word of salvation for all people.
I'm Interested!God should be the center of the liturgy. Whether people can sing along and whether people enjoy our singing should not be our main concern. The ultimate goal of a choir is to praise and glory God by singing and praying well.
If you’re interested in joining a choir, please email us or speak with a choir director at mass.
I'm Interested!Altar Servers are young ministers who serve at the altar during Mass. It requires a basic understanding of the Mass and the common prayers included within the Mass. Altar servers are expected to serve at least 1 or 2 times a month including time before Mass to set up and time after Mass to clean up, but are scheduled according to the server’s availability. This ministry can also include serving at special events such as weddings and funerals on a volunteer basis.
Boys from 4th grade to 12th grade who have received First Holy Communion.
One-time training available 3-4 times a year; Ongoing meetings quarterly.
I'm Interested!Homebound Ministers are entrusted by the Church, the clergy and the parishioners of Immaculate Heart of Mary with the blessing of bringing spiritual nourishment to God’s people by taking His Most Precious Body and Blood to those who are unable to make it to Mass. Homebound Ministry is an extension of the ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass.
Immaculate Heart of Mary is currently responsible for taking Holy Communion to 6 different local nursing homes and have several regular requests for Holy Communion to be taken to the homes of those who are unable to get to Mass.
Homebound Ministers do not commit to several times a week (unless you feel called to do so) but do commit to once or twice a month.
I'm Interested!As an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, commonly referred to as an EM, lay people can serve the Catholic Church by distributing Holy Communion during Mass. An EM must be a fully initiated member of the Church (having received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation). Eucharistic Ministers serve the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass or Communion Services. This ministry is extremely spiritual and personally fulfilling.
I'm Interested!The linen ministry is responsible for caring for and maintaining the linens used during Mass. Linens are picked up twice a week:
You can serve anywhere from 1 – multiple times a month depending on your availability and willingness.